Portuguese Podengo Association
wire-haired Marella Marinheiro
Podengo of the Year 2003
The Finnish Podengo Association has
a yearly competition of the title 'Podengo of the Year'. The title is awarded
to a podengo, which
has had the best success in dog
shows in Finland.
Marinhero owner receiving the award
Podengo of the Year 2003:
1. and Best small wire-haired male
Marella Marinheiro
2. and Best small smooth-haired
bitch Tähtitaivaan Saana
3. and Best small wire-haired bitch
Marella Jarra
3. and Best small smooth-haired
male Tähtitaivaan Niko
4. Hirsituvan Kanerva (small wire-haired)
5. and Best medium wire-haired bitch
Vehkakallion Berta
6. Ciganita do Vale Negro (small
7. Sandeisan Laranja (small wire-haired)
7. Sandeisan Lambisca (small wire-haired)
Each one got a certificate, the winner
got a cup, and each best of
breed got flowers!
The Finnish Podengo Association
pays the registration fee for The Podengo of the Year to the next World
Winner Show as well as the registration fees for the best bitch and
male of each breed to next Specialty
Show in Portugal.
The Finnish Podengo Association started
awarding this price in 2000.
The winners throughout the years
have been:
2000 Winner and
best ppm w-h Pinoqui de Veiros (male)
2nd place and best ppp w-h Marella
Marinheiro (male)
2001 Winner and
best ppm w-h Pinoqui de Veiros
2nd place and best ppp w-h Ankaa
3rd place and best ppp s-h Tähtitaivaan
Niko (male)
2002 Winner and
best ppp s-h Tähtitaivaan Niko
2nd place and best ppm w-h Pinoqui
de Veiros
3rd place and best ppp w-h Marella Jarra (bitch)