close to the official recognition in USA
There are pages that tell about the history of the breed, the "Did You Know?" section and photo album. The breed is provisionally recognized by AKC. It is in AKC's Foundation Stock Service, where the breed cam be registry like in a a "waiting room" for final recognition. The Portuguese Podengo met all of the criteria except for the number of Podengos in the US. Must have at least 150 Podengos in 22 states to fully qualify. There are now about 82 pedigree Podengos in 24 states. The Portuguese Podengo Club of America is making all efforts to streamline the process for the pedigrees from Portugal. The goal is that every Podengo leaving Portugal could be microchipped and has an export pedigree, a copy of which should be automatically sent to the PPCA by the Portuguese breeders. This way the final recognition could came soon and the Podengo could participate in all the AKC shows. |