1400 dogs at Amsterdam, Netherlands Portuguese Podengos at the World Dog Show 2002
Took place in Amsterdam, Netherlands
from 4 to 7 July the World Dog Show 2002. Among the 14 000 dogs present,
there where 15 Portuguese Podengos from 4 varieties (18 registry).
Dog Show 2002 Home Page: http://www.worldwinnerdogshow2002.nl
MEDIUM SMOOTH HAIR 1, Very Good - Denmark Ch. Imperador
do Vale do Poço, by Port. Ch. Rigoleto
MEDIUM WIRE HAIR 1, Very Good - Jar-Jar van de Kleiheuvel, by Columbus Fionnmaë x Multi-Ch. Sarah Fionnmaë, Breeder: R. Geytenbeek (Hol), Owners: A. Haagsma & G.W.D. Deurloo (Hol) Open Class Male: 1, Excelent, CAC, CACIB, WORLD
CHAMPION'02 - Columbus Fionnmaë, by Hol. Ch. Macho Fionnmaë
x Xarrua de Veiros, Breeder: Bekebrede (Hol), Owners: R.
Junior Class Female: 1, Excelent, BOB, WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPION'02- Amalia van de Kleiheuvel, by Columbus Fionnmaë x Multi-Ch. Sarah Fionnmaë, Breeder: R. Geytenbeek (Hol), Owners: R. Geytenbeek & R. J. Fokken (Hol) Open Class Females: 1, Excelent, RCAC, RCACIB - Pilar Fionnmaë, by Hol. Ch. Macho Fionnmaë x Xarrua de Veiros, Breeders & Owners: Bekebrede & J. M. Cornelisse (Hol) 2, Excelent - Mc Gavin's Xixica, by Port. Ch. Zero de Veiros x VDH Ch. Bürste de Veiros, Breeder: Sabine Sauerer (D), Owners: W. Brandt & H. Renfordt (D) Champion Class Female: 1, Excelent, CAC, CACIB, WORL CHAMPION'02 - Hol. Ch. Sarah Fionnmaë JW+W'99, by Hol. Ch. Tomilho do Vale do Poço x Xuxa de Veiros, Breeder: J. M. Cornelisse (Hol), Owners: R. Geytenbeek & R. J. Fokken (Hol) SMALL SMOOTH HAIR Open Class Male: 1, Excelent, CAC, CACIB, WORLD CHAMPION'02 - Na Maior de Vale do Criz, by Multi-Ch. Tomavir de Vale do Criz x Multi-Ch. Zumba Zumba de Vale do Criz, Breeder & Owner: Luis Gorjão-Henriques (Por) Open Class Female: Absent - Kontrapunkt Biografia, by Parisade Ecritor x Pol. Ch. Parisade Aquarela, Breeder & Owner: D. Borkowska (Pol) Champion Class Female: 1, Excelent, CAC, CACIB, BOB, WORLD CHAMPION'02 - Pol. Ch. Parisade Aquarela, by Derb of White Towers x Parisade Amora, Breeder: Pertti Kangassalo (Fin), Owner: D. Borkowska (Pol) SMALL WIRE HAIR Junior Class Males: 1, Excelent, WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPION'02 - Duque de Viamonte, by Port. Ch. Alfinete de Viamonte x Ti Alice do Vale Negro, Breeder: Miguel Sabino (Por), Owners: M. Stoklin Pabe & M. Müller (B) Absent - Futuro, by Cabaças x Canenq, Breeder: Mª Antonieta Silva (Por), Owner: C. Leupelt (D) Open Class Male: 1, Very Good - Aipo de Viamonte, by Port. & World Ch. Neco x Port. Ch. Laranja do Vale Negro, Breeder: Miguel Sabino (Por), Owner: K. Bucholz (D) Puppy Class Female: 1, Very Promissing, BEST PUPPY - Ally Archetype, by Nico do Ouro Negro x Sana, Breeder & Owner: C. Leupelt (D) Open Class Female: 1, Excelent - Sana, by Port. CH. Al da Lapa do Lobo x Abelha da Lapa do Lobo, Breeder: Mª Antonieta Silva (Por), Owner: C. Leupelt (D) Intermediate Class Female: 1, Excelent, CAC, CACIB, BOB, WORLD
CHAMPION'02 - Marella Violino, by Fin. &
Champion Class Females: 1, Excelent, RCAC, CACIB - Fin. Ch. Marella Gaiola, by Gritty's Candilho x Fin. & Int. Ch. Gritty's Hebe, Breeders & Owners: H. Mutanen, M. Sorvo & T. Sorvo (Fin) Absent - Hol. Ch. Perola do Vale
Negro W'01, by Port. Ch. Moscatel do Vale Negro x Uva do Vale Negro,
Breeder: Carla Molinari (Por), Owners: W. Carlile & R. H. Matheeuwsen
Photos 3, 4 and 5 from Karl Donvil. To obtain the original photos contact this professional dog photographer at: Doornstraat 6; 3370 Boutersem - BELGIUM / 00 32 16733055 tel/fax /www.donvil-karl.com / karl.donvil@euronet.be |